''...Sister Margaret Alexander — in the person of a riveting Mia Ellis — guides her restive flock.'' - Peter marks, the washington post
''A commanding Mia Ellis plays, Sister Margaret, delivering a career-defining performance.'' - bENJAMIN TOMCHIK, BROADWAYWORLD
''Mia Ellis brings a calm and solidity that one would certainly want in his or her guardian angel.'' - andria tieman, BROADWAY WORLD
''Ellis’ exquisite soprano voice is more than up for the immense challenge of “Your Daddy’s Son.'' - Janine Weisman, newportri.com
''Ferguson and Mia Ellis (as Sarah) deliver "Wheels of a Dream''...with genuine depth of feeling, and the duo's second act "Sarah Brown Eyes" is a heartrending and haunting piece of theater.'' - Veronica Bruscini, Broadwayworld
''Mia Ellis as Camae is earthy...funny, sexy, and flirtatious.'' — Rich Fahey, On Boston Stages
''Mia Ellis is the perfect compliment to Wilson's performance and gets to flex both her dramatic and comedic muscles. As Camae . . . Ellis is fantastic as always, and lands her jokes with perfect comic timing. Her facial expressions are worth the price of admission alone,'' - ANDRIA TIEMAN, BROADWAY WORLD
''Mia Ellis, quickly becoming a leading lady at Trinity Rep, gallops into her wild-eyed role with a great measure of power and humor. One moment she's a Southern black woman, feisty and fast, and then, suddenly, she's something more, something serious. It's excellent on-stage work.'' - Bill Gale, RI NPR
'' Ellis is simply lovely as Laura, bringing artlessness and fragility to her performance. There is great depth in Ellis' portrayal. She plays more intense moments...with thoughtfulness and respect...Ellis also shines in quieter scenes. Ellis allows her [LAURA] to blossom beautifully - slowly at first, then with growing confidence and enthusiasm...Ellis has a gorgeous singing voice, too, which is highlighted during Phillip Roebuck's first-act compositions."' - VERONICA BRUSCINI, Broadway world
''Mia Ellis is an English nurse [JOAN] with a great all-Brit accent and a wonderful presence.'' - BILL GALE, ri npr
''Mia Ellis: nuanced, memorable...'' - TRACEY MINKIN, GOLOCALPROV
''Ellis delivers a knockout, seasoned performance as Esther Mills, beautifully embodying the self-possession, creativity, and compassion that form the core of her character.''- vERONICA bRUSCINI, BROADWAY WORLD